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Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Patient/Family Support Services

Hospital Admissions Departments

Departments of hospitals and other health care institutions (including HMOs) whose staff are responsible for formally accepting patients for treatment. Included are full stay admissions which include room and board and continuous nursing services in an area of the hospital or facility where patients generally reside at least overnight; short stay admissions, often following outpatient surgery, where patients occupy a day bed and receive nursing care but do not stay overnight; and outpatient admissions where patients enter the hospital but require no bed and leave after receiving treatment.

Mercy Transportation

Programs, usually staffed by volunteer private pilots, that provide flight services for medical missions which may include transporting human organs and tissue for transplants; plasma or whole blood; anatomical specimens for medical research; medical personnel, equipment and supplies; and, in instances of medical and financial need, individual patients who require services from health care facilities that they would be unable to access without assistance. Also included are programs that provide compassionate, non-emergency long-distance ground transportation for patients in need, usually by bus.

Pastoral Care

Departments within hospitals, HMOs and other health care institutions that provide for the spiritual care of patients with severe, chronic or terminal conditions, their families and staff, regardless of their religious traditions. Pastoral care workers work cooperatively with the health care team; listen, elicit and respond to individual religious/spiritual needs; identify and clarify ethical issues related to end-of-life treatment and care; provide bereavement support for family members, significant others and professional staff; and ensure that treatment addresses the whole person, not just his or her medical needs. The service is provided by licensed clergy or trained, accredited spiritual care volunteers.

Wish Foundations

Programs that grant wishes which will enrich the lives of people who are unable to fulfill them on their own, e.g., a visit to Disneyland, an opportunity to meet a film star or sports personality or a reunion with family members. Also included are programs that arrange trips or other experiences for individuals and groups. Most wish fulfillment programs serve children and adults who are terminally or gravely ill. Other populations may include seniors, veterans and individuals who are chronically or seriously ill, physically challenged or abused.
